Thursday, December 24, 2009

How God works...amazing

OK so after I wrote that uber long tweet and made my phone battery like DIE -_-.....I went to bed happy and woke up happy. Its Christmas Eve! :) I was sitting on the couch at my sisters house feeding my new 3 week old baby nephew and I received an email from a friend. Now, this friend has NO clue what's going on in my life and we don't see each other very often. We haven't spoken in months (other than a few emails and facebooking) but he sent me an email that made me grin bigger than Santa ever could! It was exactly what I'd been going through lately and it was such an encouragement so I just thought I would share it.

Hear what The Spirit is saying... Swallowing My cup is your testimony. Yielding your life to Me hasn’t been easy and you have grown weary. Often you have questioned, “Do I have it right, Lord? Is this going to work?" Nevertheless, in spite of it all you have remained faithful. I commend you; your faith has remained strong no matter what has appeared upon your horizon. You have removed the rocks, both small and large. At times, you did hesitate and your indecision temporarily delayed My blessings. However, you did not stumble over it and continued to help others along the same path. Although your season of preparation has been arduous, the ground has been well prepared. Now wait, My love, with expectation. The seed you have sown I will multiply a hundred fold. Renewed strength will come as you perform the tasks set before you. Just do them. Plow straight ahead and don't look back. The best is yet to come.2010 will be "Glorius"

“Then he said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me.” (Luke 9:23 NLT)

.....It may not mean very much to you but, it definitely hit the spot. It was NOT coincidence, it was GOD.


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